Long-term EU resident

A person applying for this type of residence permit in Poland should prove that he/she has and had for a period of 3 years preceding the submission of the application a stable and regular source of income sufficient to support himself/herself and the members of his/her family in Poland.

From 1 October 2018, the minimum amount is at least PLN 528 net per person in a family or PLN 701 net in the case of a single householder.

A document confirming a stable source of income may be, among others:

– employment contract/ contract of mandate/ contract for specific work or other basis for remuneration along with documents entitling to work in Poland

– information about income and about collected advances for income tax (PIT 11 or PIT 11A)

– tax returns (PIT 37 or PIT 40) with a confirmation of sending to the relevant tax office

– income certificates from the tax office stating the amount of income, social and health insurance contributions and tax

– a lease agreement guaranteeing the landlord a regular income

It should be remembered that the remuneration for the work must comply with the minimum work regulations, e.g. in 2021 the minimum gross wage is PLN 2800 for a full-time job and PLN 18.30 per hour.

An account statement is not a document confirming a stable, regular income, because it only represents the balance of a bank account at a given time and is an exhaustible source of income.

In the case of regular inflows to an account, it is therefore necessary to document their source.

A document confirming a stable source of income can also be, among other things, a document confirming the income of an earning member of the family, e.g.:

– parent’s/spouse’s employment contract

– PIT returns on the amount of income earned by the applicant or family member for the last tax year

– certificate from the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

The requirement to maintain a source of stable and regular income is also deemed to be met if the applicant’s subsistence costs are covered by a family member who is obliged to maintain the applicant and who resides in the territory of Poland.