We submit a complaint to the ECtHR against unlawful detention of a family with a child

The Association for Legal Intervention has already filed another complaint to the European Court of Human Rights about illegal detention of a family with a minor child. The case concerns a married couple with a child…

A criminal conviction is not enough to recognize that a foreigner is a threat and refuse protection

The Council for Refugees and the Office for Foreigners confirm that the mere fact of a conviction in a criminal case is not enough to recognize that a foreigner poses a threat to the security of the state or society and,…

Obligation to examine whether migrants in Belarus are at risk of torture and other inhumane treatment

Foreigners cannot be pushed into Belarus if they would be in danger of torture, inhuman or otherwise unacceptable treatment there. Neither a migration crisis nor illegal border crossings exclude the application of this p…

Information on the observance of human rights under the UN procedure of the Universal Periodic Review

Together with the Lambda Warsaw Organization and the Global Detention Project, the Association of Legal Intervention has submitted information on the observance of human rights under the UN Universal Periodic Review proc…

Our association presented its remarks to the Committee of Prevention of Torture

Together with The Global Detention Project (GDP), we put together a joint statement to The European Council Committee of Prevention of Torture, in which we presented our remarks. This scripture is only a part of ongoing…