Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court: Good Start Program (300+) to be granted to asylum seekers

The Supreme Administrative Court has confirmed that the 300+ benefit shall be granted to asylum seekers.  Unfortunately, due to the defectiveness of the regulations, such cases will have to be resolved by the courts…

Voivodeship Administrative Court: evidence needs to be properly reviewed

The Refugee Board has completely failed to take into account evidence presented by a party pertaining to his political activity and to the treatment of members of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan at the hands…

Voivodship Administrative Court: stay of the execution of the asylum decision

The ruling of 17 July 2019, no. IV SA/Wa 1457/19, of Voivodship Administrative Court in Warsaw was based on Article 46 (5) of the procedural directive (2013/32/EU). The court highlighted the necessity to stay the executi…

ECtHR: prohibition to deport a person suspected of supporting terrorist due to the risk of torture in Russia

The Association for Legal Intervention provided legal assistance to a Chechen national, N.M., who was to be deported to Russia. In case of his deportation there was a serious suspicion that he could fall victim of tortur…