Provincial Administrative Court (WSA): prerequisites for a humanitarian residence permit should be examined even if the migrant is outside Poland

With a judgment of October 18, 2023 (ref. no. IV SA/Wa 1416/23), the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw (WSA) annulled the appealed decision of the Head of the Office for Foreigners (UdsC) and the preceding decisi…

Judgement: deportation can’t create a risk of torture

The Supreme Administrative Court recalls that even in the deportation of a person suspected of terrorist activities, it should be examined whether their return to their country of origin would not violate fundamental hum…

We ask for compensation for unlawful detention for a family from Afghanistan

SIP represents foreigners in a case for compensation for unjustified stay in guarded centers for foreigners. The family from Afghanistan (parents with three children) spent a total of 97 days in detention. Foreigners…

Supreme Administrative Court: parents’ violation of the immigration law does not exempt the authorities from examining whether deportation would violate the child’s rights

On May 5, 2022, the Supreme Administrative Court (ref. II OSK 1182/21) issued a judgment in a cassation complaint by the Association for Legal Intervention. The case concerned the obligation to return of a Pakistani nati…

Pleading against Poland for the detention of a traumatised family with children

SIP brought a complaint before the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of a family who had been held in guarded centres for foreigners for more than 6 months. The case concerns a family from Iraq (parents with tw…

Our association presented its remarks to the Committee of Prevention of Torture

Together with The Global Detention Project (GDP), we put together a joint statement to The European Council Committee of Prevention of Torture, in which we presented our remarks. This scripture is only a part of ongoing…

REPORT: SIP in Action. Rights of migrants in Poland in 2020

We would like to invite you to read the latest annual report summarising the year of the pandemic from the perspective of the rights of migrant women and men in Poland. In the Report: SIP in Action. Rights of foreigne…

Decision: the protection against expulsion of part of the family from Poland prevents the relocation of family life to another country.

The Commander of the Border Guard Post in Augustów, by decision of 3 December 2020, no. PD-AG/01/D-ZPH/2020, granted a humanitarian residence permit to a client of the Association for Legal Intervention, whose partner (w…