We present our comments to the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance

As part of the Council of Europe, the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) prepares reports and recommendations on the fight against racism, discrimination, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance…

Pleading against Poland for the detention of a traumatised family with children

SIP brought a complaint before the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of a family who had been held in guarded centres for foreigners for more than 6 months. The case concerns a family from Iraq (parents with tw…

Information on the observance of human rights under the UN procedure of the Universal Periodic Review

Together with the Lambda Warsaw Organization and the Global Detention Project, the Association of Legal Intervention has submitted information on the observance of human rights under the UN Universal Periodic Review proc…

Our association presented its remarks to the Committee of Prevention of Torture

Together with The Global Detention Project (GDP), we put together a joint statement to The European Council Committee of Prevention of Torture, in which we presented our remarks. This scripture is only a part of ongoing…

REPORT: SIP in Action. Rights of migrants in Poland in 2020

We would like to invite you to read the latest annual report summarising the year of the pandemic from the perspective of the rights of migrant women and men in Poland. In the Report: SIP in Action. Rights of foreigne…

ECHR communicates case against Poland: the detention of a mother who suffered domestic violence with her children

For years, we have been fighting against the wrongful detention of children on grounds of immigration. This is never in the best interests of the child, and can cause long-term effects on their psycho-physical developmen…

District Court in Olsztyn: a victim of violence may not be put in a detention centre

A migrant should be set free regardless of the reason why they have been placed in a detention centre, the type of violence to which they fell prey, and the exact place where and circumstances under which they suffered v…