We submit a complaint to the ECtHR against unlawful detention of a family with a child

The Association for Legal Intervention has already filed another complaint to the European Court of Human Rights about illegal detention of a family with a minor child. The case concerns a married couple with a child…

We ask for compensation for unlawful detention for a family from Afghanistan

SIP represents foreigners in a case for compensation for unjustified stay in guarded centers for foreigners. The family from Afghanistan (parents with three children) spent a total of 97 days in detention. Foreigners…

Decision: the protection against expulsion of part of the family from Poland prevents the relocation of family life to another country.

The Commander of the Border Guard Post in Augustów, by decision of 3 December 2020, no. PD-AG/01/D-ZPH/2020, granted a humanitarian residence permit to a client of the Association for Legal Intervention, whose partner (w…