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Application – step by step

Permit for temporary residence

Click on the documents below to view instructions for the questions on the temporary residence permit application form.

Application for a temporary residence permit

(miejsce i data złożenia wniosku) / (place and date of submission of the application) / (lieu et date du dépôt de la demande) / (место и дата составления заявки)

Leave this section empty, it`s to be filled out by the Migration Office. 


General remarks before you start filling out the application:

1. fill it out in capital letters

2. fill it out in Polish

3. If you are not answering any question, put a long line "---" or enter: nie dotyczy (not applicable)  

Do / to / à / для (nazwa organu, do którego jest składany wniosek) / (name of the authority the application is submitted to) / (dénomination de l’autorité aupres de laquelle demande est déposée) / (название органа для которого составляется заявка)

Enter a name of the Voivode which you address your application to.  E.g.   Wojewoda Mazowiecki (Mazoviecki Voivode) or  Wojewoda Zachodniopomorski  (Zachodniopomorski Voivode), depending or where you live. 

 You can check  here which Voivodeship you live in. 


The following section should be filled out with your personal data if you are the applicant.

But if you are submitting the application in the name of a minor, enter this minor`s personal data. 

1. Nazwisko / Surname / Nom / Фамилия:

Enter your current name, exactly the same as in your passport. 

Learn here how to fill out the form if you are submitting an application on behalf of  your family mamber residing outside of Poland.  

2. Nazwisko (nazwiska) poprzednie / Previously used surname (surnames) / Nom (noms) précédent(s) / Предыдущая фамилия (фамилии):

If you have never used any other surname than the current one, enter a  line  ( -----).

If you have used a different surname for any reasons in the past, enter the previous surname. This applies also   if you only used a different surname  temporarily (eg. if it was your  surname during your marriage but you returned to your family name after divorce).

3. Nazwisko rodowe / Family name / Nom de famille / Родовая фамилия:

Enter your family name, i.e. the surname which is received in your family at birth. 

4. Imię (imiona) / Name (names) / Prénom (prénoms) / Имя (имена):

Enter all of your names, exactly as written in the passport. 

5. Imię (imiona) poprzednie / Previously used name (names) / Prénom (prénoms) précédent(s) / Предыдущее имя (имена):

Enter your previous name, if you have ever used a different name than you have now. 

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6. Imię ojca / Father’s name / Prénom du père / Имя отца:

Enter your father`s name exactly as written in your passport or any other official document (e.g. birth certificate).   

7. Imię matki / Mother’s name / Prénom de la mère / Имя матери:

Enter your mother`s name exactly as written in your passport or any other official document (e.g. birth certificate).  

8. Nazwisko rodowe matki / Mother’s maiden name / Nom de jeune fille de la mėre / Девичья фамилия матери:

Enter your mother`s maiden surname, i.e. the surname which your mother received at birth. 

9. Data urodzenia / Date of birth / Date de naissance / Дата рождения:

Enter your birth date, exactly as written in your passport. 

10. Płeć / Sex / Sexe / Пол:

K  for woman, 
M for man. 

11. Miejsce urodzenia / Place of birth / Lieu de naissance / Место рождения:

Enter a place of you birth (city, town, village), exactly as written in your passport.  

12. Państwo urodzenia / Country of birth / Pays de naissance / Страна рождения:

Enter a name of the country you were born in. 

13. Narodowość / Nationality / Nationalité d’origin / Национальность:

Enter your nationality, e.g.  rosyjska ( =Russian), nigeryjska (=Nigerian).

14. Obywatelstwo / Citizenship / Citoyenneté / Гражданство:

Enter your citizenship, e.g.  rosyjskie (=Russian), nigeryjskie (=Nigerian).

15. Stan cywilny / Marital status / État civil / Семейное положение:

Enter your current marital status.

If you are a woman:

  • Panna ( =a single woman) - if you were never married
  • Mężatka ( = a married woman)  - if you are married
  • Rozwiedziona (= a divorced woman) – if you were married and got divorced
  • Wdowa ( a widow) – if your husband died.

If you are a man: 

  • Kawaler ( =a single man)  –if you were never married 
  • Żonaty ( = a married man)  - if you are married
  • Rozwiedziony ( = a divorced man)  - if you were married and got divorced
  • Wdowiec (= a widower) - if your wife died. 
16. Wykształcenie / Education / Education / Образование:

Enter your level of education. 

  • podstawowe – if you have graduated from the primary school
  • średnie – if you graduated from the secondary school/ high school 
  • wyższe – if you grauated from the university 
  • brak – if you have not graduated from the primary school. 
Wzrost / Height / Taille / Рост:

Enter your height in centimeters. 

Kolor oczu / Colour of eyes / Couleur des yeux / Цвет глаз:

Enter your eyes colour , e.g. brązowe (=brown), niebieskie  (= blue), zielone (= green), szare (=grey). 

Znaki szczególne / Special marks / Marques personelles / Особые приметы:

Enter any special marks that you have on your body, e.g. tatuaż (= a tattoo), blizna (=a scar). 

If you have no special marks on your body, enter:  nie dotyczy (= not applicable).

18. Numer PESEL (jeżeli został nadany) / PESEL number (if applicable) / Numéro PESEL (si attribué) / Номер PESEL (если таковой имеется):

PESEL is a 11-digits identification number which you may obtain once you register your  place of residence with the local authorities ( zameldowanie) for over  3 months. 
Learn how to obtain a PESEL number here.
Note: you are not obliged to have a PESEL number. If you don`t have one enter: nie dotyczy (= not applicable).

19. Numer telefonu / Telephone number / Numéro de téléphone / Номер телефона:

Enter your current telephone number. This will facilitate communication between you and the Migration Office. 

20. Email / Email / Courriel / Электронная почтa

Enter your current e-mail address.

Note: remember to check your inbox regularly.


In the following section you will be asked to enter details of your address in Poland. It is important that you  actually live at the address, you will be receiving numeorus letters from the Migration Office to this address. If you fail to pick it up in time, the correspondence will be considered effectively delivered to you. 

This may in consequence impact your appeal period in case of a negative decision. 

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□ *Proszę zaznaczyć znakiem „X”, jeżeli członek rodziny przebywa poza terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. / *Tick the box with ”X” if a family member remains outside the territory of the Republic of Poland. / * Mettez un „X” dans la case si un membre de famille réside en dehors de ce territoire. / * Прошу обозначить знаком „X” если член семьи пребывает за пределами этой территории.

Tick this box only if you are submitting this application on behalf of your family member who  currently resides outside of Poland. 

Learn more here about applying on behalf of your family members.

1. Województwo / Voivodship / Voïvodie / Воеводство:

If you are not sure which voivodeship you live in, check out  this map of Polish voivodeships

Note: the voivodeship of your residence needs to be in line with the voivode to whom you address this application. E.g. if you live in Masovian Voivodeship, you should submit your application to the Masovian Voivode (=Wojewoda Mazowiecki).

2. Miejscowość / Town (city) / Localité / Населенный пункт:

Enter a name of a city you currently live in. 

3. Ulica / Street / Rue / Улица:

Enter a name of a street you  currently live on. 

4. Numer domu / House number / Numéro du bâtiment / Номер дома:

Enter a number of a building you live in. 

5. Numer mieszkania / Apartment number / Numéro d’appartement / Номер квартиры:

Enter a number of your appartment/flat. 

Note: if you live in a house and have no appartment number, enter: nie dotyczy ( =not applicable) or draw a line (---).

6. Kod pocztowy / Postal code / Code postal / Почтовый индекс:

If you are not sure what your postal code is, check it out here. You will need to know your street name and number. 

I. Główny cel pobytu / The main purpose of stay / L’objet principal du séjour / Основная цель пребывания: find out more →

Tick one box next to a purpose which 1) is most important to you and  2) which can be supported by the documents you have.

1) □ wykonywanie pracy / performance of a paid activity / exercise du travail / выполнение работы

Tick this box if you intend to perform any type of contract-based work in Poland  and receive any kind of remuneration. 

2) □ wykonywanie pracy w zawodzie wymagającym wysokich kwalifikacji / performance of a paid activity in a field requiring high qualifications / exercice du travail exigéant de hautes qualités professionnelles / выполнение работы по специальности, требующей высокой квалификации

Tick this box if you intend to perform work in a field requiring high qualifications ( e.g. higher education).

Note: you should have at least a 1-year long contract and be able to prove that your remuneration is at least equal to 150% of average remuneration in Poland.   

3) □ wykonywanie pracy przez cudzoziemca delegowanego przez pracodawcę zagranicznego na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / performance of a paid activity by a foreigner delegated by a foreign employer to the territory of the Republic of Poland / exercice du travail par un ressortissant étranger délégué par un employeur étranger sur le territoire polonaise / выполнение работы иностранцем, который командирован иностранным работодателем на территорию Республики Польша

Tick this box if you have been delegated to work in Poland by an employer from another EU member state.

Note: you need to be able to prove that you have reasons to stay in Poland for over 3 months. 

4) □ prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej / conducting a business activity / exercise d’activité économique / осуществление хозяйственной деятельности

Tick this box if you are running a business in Poland. 

Note: there are many requirements that need to be fulfilled before you obtain a residence permit to run your business. Check it beforehand, as it may be easier for you to apply for a permit for a different purpose.

5) □ podjęcie lub kontynuacja stacjonarnych: studiów pierwszego stopnia, studiów drugiego stopnia lub jednolitych studiów magisterskich albo kształcenie się w szkole doktorskiej / undertaking or continuation of full-time first or second degree studies or full-time uniform master’s degree studies, or doctorate studies / entreprise ou poursuite des études à plein temps: des études supérieures de premier cycle ou de second cycle ou des études de maîtrise uniformes ou des études dans une école doctorale / начало или продолжение очного обучения: бакалавриат или магистратура или специалитет либо обучение в докторантуре

Tick this box if you intend to study at the higher education institution in Poland. 

6) □ prowadzenie badań naukowych lub prac rozwojowych / conducting research or development / recherche scientifique ou travaux de développement / проведение научных исследований или работ по развитию

Tick this box if you are a researcher intending to conduct research or development work in an academic institution in Poland.

7) □ mobilność długoterminowa naukowca / long-term mobility of a researcher / mobilité de longue durée du chercheur / долгосрочная мобильность исследователя

Tick this box if you are a researcher,  already have a residence permit or a visa with an annotation  "researcher" and you intend to conduct part of your research or developmental work in Poland. 

8) □ odbycie stażu / training / effectuer un stage / прохождение стажировки

Tick this box if you intend to do a training in Poland.

Note: not every training can be considered a reason to grant you a permit. Check the requirements beforehand. 

9) □ udział w programie wolontariatu europejskiego / participation in the European Voluntary Service program / participation au programme de service volontaire européen / участие в программе Европейской волонтерской службы

Tick this box if you intend to participate in the European Voluntary Service program. 

10) □ pobyt z obywatelem Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / stay with a citizen of the Republic of Poland / séjour avec un citoyen de la République de Pologne / пребывание с гражданином Республики Польша

If you are an adult, you may tick this box if your husband/wife is a Polish citizen.  If you are a minor (below 18 yo) you may tick this box also if you are staying in Poland with your parent who is married to a Polish citizen.

Note: this applies only if your parent holds a temporary or permanent residence permit and was granted this permit because of his/her marriage. 

11) □ pobyt z cudzoziemcem / stay with a foreigner / séjour avec un ressortissant étranger / пребывание с иностранцем

Tick this box if you are married (or are a child of) a third-country national who holds one of the legally prescribed permits.

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12) □ mobilność długoterminowa członka rodziny naukowca/ long-term mobility of a family member of a researcher/ mobilité de longue durée d'un membre de la famille d'un chercheur/ долгосрочная мобильность члена семьи исследователя

Tick this box if you are a member of a family of a researcher  who benefits fromthe  long-term mobility of the researcher. 

13) □ okoliczności związane z byciem ofiarą handlu ludźmi / circumstances associated with being a victim of human trafficking / circonstances concernant le fait d’être victime de la traite des êtres humains / обстоятельства, связанные с тем, что иностранец стал жертвой торговли людьми

Tick this box if you might be a victim of human trafficking. 

14) □ okoliczności wymagające krótkotrwałego pobytu na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / circumstances requiring a short-term stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland / circonstances nécessitant un séjour de courte durée sur le territoire de la République de Pologne / обстоятельства, которые требуют кратковременного пребывания на территории Республики Польшa

Tick this box ONLY  if  neither of other options fits your circumstances better. You are eligible for a short-term residence permit (up to 6 months) if :

  1. you are obliged to appear in person in the Polish public authority, or
  2. a unique personal situation requires your presence in Poland, or
  3. the country’s interest requires your presence in Poland.

Note: You can apply for a short-term residence permit even if you are undocumented ( you have no right to legal stay in Poland).  

15) □ przedłużenie pobytu na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej ze względu na pracę sezonową /extension of stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland due to seasonal work/ Prolongement du séjour sur le territoire de la République de Pologne pour raison de travail saisonnier/ продолжение пребывания на территории Республики Польша, учитывая сезонную работу

Tick this box if you 1) intend to perform seasonal work and 2) you have entered Poland based on a seasonal work visa. 

16) □ inne okoliczności (należy określić jakie) / other circumstances (please specify) / autres circonstances (Il faut les préciser) / другие обстоятельства (cледует пояснить цель)

Tick this box ONLY  if  neither of other options fits your circumstances better.  Other circumstances  may constitute: education, vocational training, a relationship (other than marriage)| with a person who lives permanently in Poland etc.

II. Członkowie rodziny cudzoziemca zamieszkujący na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / Members of foreigner’s family living on the territory of the Republic of Poland / Membres de la famille de l’étranger qui habitent sur le territoire de la République de Pologne / Члены семьи иностранца, проживающие на территории Республики Польша: find out more →

In the following section you will be asked to give more information about members of your family who live on the territory of Poland.  List your spouse, parents, children, grandchildren, brothers or sisters as long as they are currently  living in Poland. 

If none of your family members lives in Poland, enter: nie dotyczy (=not applicable)  or cross this table  with a line. 

How to fill in a table
  • Płeć / Sex / Sexe / Пол  Enter K for a woman and M for a man.
  • Data urodzenia / Date of birth / Date de naissance / Дата рождения: Enter birth dates of your family members. 
  • Stopień pokrewieństwa / Degree of kinship / Niveau de parenté / Степень родства: Enter what kind of kinship you have with your family member: matka (=mother), ojciec (=father), córka (=daughter), syn (=son), mąż =husband), żona (=wife), siostra (=sister), brat (=brother).
  • Obywatelstwo / Citizenship / Citoyenneté / Гражданство
  • Miejsce zamieszkania / Place of residence / Domicile / Место проживания: Enter a place of residence (town, city, village) of your family member
  • Czy ubiega się o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy? / Is he/she applying for the temporary residence permit? / Est-ce qu’il (elle) demande un permis de séjour temporaire? / Ходатайствуется ли о предоставлении разрешения на временное пребывание?

    Enter TAK(=YES) if this family member is submitting their application at the same time as you are or has already applied for a residence permit and is awaiting their decision.  

    Enter  NIE (=NO) if this family member is not currently applying for a residence permit. 

  • Czy pozostaje na utrzymaniu cudzoziemca? (tak/nie) / Is he/she a dependent on the foreigner? (yes/no) / Est-ce que la personne dépend financièrement de l’étranger? (oui/non) / Остается на содержании иностранца? (да/нет)

    Enter  TAK (=YES) if this family member is being supported by you financially (which means that they do not have enough of their own income to fully cover their living expenses). 

    Enter  NIE/NO if this person has their own income and fully covers their living expenses.  

III. Pobyt cudzoziemca na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / Foreigner’s stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland / Séjour de l'étranger sur le territoire de la République de Pologne / Пребывание иностранца на территории Республики Польша:
a) poprzednie pobyty na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / previous visits to the territory of the Republic of Poland / séjours prècedents sur le territoire de la République de Pologne / предыдущие пребывания на территории Республики Польша:

List all the documents  which have been your basis of legal stay in Poland for the last 5 years. Remember to  add their validity periods.


20.01.2019 - 20.08.2019 – visa
1.09.2019 – 1.09.2020 – temporary residence permit
1.09.2020 – obecnie ( =now)  – temporary residence permit

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1. Czy przebywa Pan (-i) na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej? / Are you staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland? / Est-ce que séjournez-vous actuellement sur le territoire de la République de Pologne? / Пребываете ли Вы на территории Республики Польша?

Tick TAK(=YES) if you are currently staying on the territory of Poland. Tick  NIE ( =NO) if you are currently staying outside of Poland. 

Note: if you are staying outside of Poland on the day of submitting an application, the application will be left unrecognized. In some situations you can have your family member submit an application on your behalf, see here if you meet the requirements.

2. Proszę podać datę ostatniego wjazdu Pana (-i) na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. / Please provide the date of your last entry into the territory of the Republic of Poland. / Indiquez la date de la dernière entrée sur le territoire de la République de Pologne. / Прошу обозначить дату Вашего последнего въезда на территорию Республики Польша.

Enter a date on which you last entered the Polish territory. 

3. Na jakiej podstawie przebywa Pan (-i) aktualnie na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej? / What is the legal basis for your current stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland? / En vertu de quoi séjournez-vous actuellement sur le territoire de la République de Pologne? / На каком основании Вы пребываете в настоящее время на территории Республики Польша?

Tick one of the boxes depending on which document you hold currently. Leave all boxes unchecked if you have no  right to legal stay on the territory of Poland.  

IV. Podróże i pobyty zagraniczne cudzoziemca poza terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w okresie ostatnich 5 lat (państwo, okres pobytu) / Foreigner’s travels and stays outside the territory of the Republic of Poland within the last 5 years (country, period of stay) / Voyages à l’étranger et séjours à l’extérieur du territoire de la République de Pologne au cours des 5 dernières années (pays, période de séjour) / Зарубежные поездки и пребывание иностранца вне территории Республики Польша в течение последних 5 лет (государство, период пребывания):

List (preferably in chronological order) all your stays outside of Poland for the last 5 years. Include visits in your country of origin.  

Ukraina: lipiec-sierpień 2019 (= Ukraine: July-August 2019) 
Meksyk: grudzień 2020 ( = Mexico: December 2020)
Ukraina: grudzień 2020 - styczeń 2021 ( =Ukraine: December 2020- January 2021) 

V. Informacja o środkach finansowych na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania cudzoziemca / Information about foreigner’s means of subsistence / Informations sur les moyens de subsistance d’ étranger / Информация о финансовых средствах для покрытия расходов на содержание иностранца:

Explain how you currently support yourself.  Examples of income: remuneration for work, being  supported by your spouse, income from your business activity, stipend, traveler`s check, credit card limit etc. 
Note: depending on what your purpose of stay is, you will need to be able to prove different types of financial resources.

VI. Informacja o posiadanym przez cudzoziemca ubezpieczeniu zdrowotnym / Information about foreigner’s medical insurance / Informations sur l’assurance médicale d’ étranger / Информация о медицинской страховке имеющейся у иностранца:

Enter information about your health insurance. E.g. national social security insurance (ZUS) , private insurance policy (give details). 

Learn  more about necessary health insurance.

VII. Czy jest Pan (-i) zatrzymany (-na) albo umieszczony (-na) w strzeżonym ośrodku lub w areszcie dla cudzoziemców, czy został wobec Pana (-i) zastosowany środek zapobiegawczy w postaci zakazu opuszczania kraju, czy odbywa Pan (-i) karę pozbawienia wolności lub czy zastosowano wobec Pana (-i) tymczasowe aresztowanie? / Are you currently detained or placed in a guarded centre or detention centre for foreigners, has any preventive measure been applied against you in the form of a ban on leaving the country, are you currently serving a sentence of imprisonment or are you temporarily arrested? / Êtes-vous détenu(e), placé(e) dans un centre de surveillence ou dans un centre de détention pour les étrangers, etes-vous soumis(e) à une mesure préventive sous la forme d’une interdiction de quitter le pays, purgez-vous une peine privative de liberté ou étiez-vous placé(e) en détention provisoire? / Являетесь ли Вы задержаными, находитесь ли Вы в охраняемом центре или под стражей для иностранцев, была ли по отношению к Вам применена мера пресечения в виде запрета выезда из страны или отбываете ли Вы наказание в виде лишения свободы, а также применено ли по отношению к Вам временное заключение под стражу?

Enter TAK (=YES) if: 

  • you are placed in a detention center  or are in any other way  deprived of your liberty by the Police or the Border Guard; 
  • you received a written decision of a prosecutor or a court order  banning you from leaving Poland  (a ban on leaving a country is usually closely connected to a criminal procedure if  you are a suspect);  
  • are imprisoned  (you were sentenced by a criminal court);
  • you are under arrest  (arrest usually happens if you are a suspect in a criminal investigation).

Enter  NIE (=NO)  if none of the above is applicable to your situation. 

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VIII. Czy był(-a) Pan (-i) karany (-na) sądownie na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej? / Have you been sentenced by the court on the territory of the Republic of Poland? / Avez-vous été condamné(e) par un tribunal sur le territoire de la République de Pologne? / Были ли Вы наказаны в судебном порядке на территории Республики Польша?

Tick  TAK (=YES) if you have been sentenced by the Polish court.  If so, give more details about your sentence:  1) year the crime was committed 2) details of the sentence ( imprisonment, fine, probation etc.) 3) whether the sentence was served/ a fine paid. 

Note: in most cases you are fully aware of the judgement of the Polish court, as you are an active participant of the proceedings. However in some cases you might not be fully aware that you have been sentenced: this might happen if the court did not know your current address. If you have some doubts whether you have been sentenced or not, consult a lawyer.  

IX. Czy toczy się przeciwko Panu (-i) postępowanie karne lub postępowanie w sprawach o wykroczenia na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej? / Are you a subject of any criminal or contravention proceedings pending on the territory of the Republic of Poland? / Actuellement, faites-vous l’objet d’une procedure judiciaire ou d’une procédure pour un délit, sur le territoire de la République de Pologne? / Ведется ли в отношении Вас уголовное производство или производство по делам о правонарушениях на территории Республики Польша?

Tick TAK (=YES) if there is currently a criminal or petty crime (contravention) proceeding pending in the case of an act that you committed. This could be a small offence, like driving without a valid driving licence, or a major crime like robbery or organized crime. If you know of such a proceeding give more details of the crime or contravention below. 
Note: you might  learn of the investigation if you are questioned by the Police or a prosecutor and charged with  committing a criminal act.

X. Czy ciążą na Panu (-i) zobowiązania wynikające z orzeczeń sądowych, postanowień i decyzji administracyjnych, w tym zobowiązania alimentacyjne, na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej lub poza tym terytorium? / Do you have any liabilities resulting from verdicts of courts, resolutions or administrative decisions, including alimony, in the territory of the Republic of Poland or abroad? / Pèsent-t-ils sur vous des obligations obligations qui pèsent sur vous et qui résultent des arrêtes des tribunaux, des dispositions et des décisions administratives, y comprise pension alimentaire, sur le territoire de la République de Pologne au à l’ étranger? / Обременяют ли Вас обязательства, возникающие из судебных решений, постановлений, административных решений, в том числе, алиментные обязательства, на территории Республики Польша или за пределами этой территории?

Examples of  obligations you might have: alimonies for your child or a spouse, an obligation to return your driving licence, a compensation or damages ordered by the court.

Note: you should also include obligations or liabilities deriving from decisions or verdicts issued outside of Poland. 

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Put your usual signature in the center of frame (signature should not cross the frame lines).

If you are submitting this application on behalf of a minor, leave the frame empty.  

If you are submitting this application on behalf of your family member who is currently staying outside of Poland, you should obtain an original signature of your family member. 

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Data i podpis (imię i nazwisko) cudzoziemca / Date and signature (name and surname) of the foreigner / Date et signature (prénom et nom) de l’étranger / Дата и подпись (имя и фамилия) иностранца:

Enter a date: a day of dispatch or submitting of your application. 

Our tip for applicants who submit hand-written applications: you need to submit 2  copies of the application, but both need to be signed  separately. Make a xerocopy of your application before you sign it and save time.

Your signature needs to consist of a name and a surname and be easy to read.  

Załączniki do wniosku / Attachments to the application / Annexes à la demande / Приложения к заявке:

List all your attachments here. 

Keep in mind that you may submit copies of the documents (attachments) as long as you show the originals to the office clerk while you submit your application or at a leter time during your procedure.  Do not worry if you have not  collected all of the required attachments by the time your time to submit the application comes. You may submit the outstanding documents later.
Check here for a list of required attachments.

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(wypełnia urząd)

Leave this section empty. 

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Attachment No. 1

Mandatory attachment to the application if the main purpose of your stay is to work.

I. Informacje dotyczące podmiotu powierzającego wykonywanie pracy cudzoziemcowi / Information concerning the entity entrusting performance of paid activity to the foreigner / Les informations concernant l’entité qui confie l’exercice du travail à étranger / Информация, касающаяся субъекта, поручающего выполнение работы иностранцу: find out more →

This appendix is to be filled out and signed by a person/enterpreneur  who entrusts work to an applicant who wants to work in Poland. Filling it out requires knowledge of detailed information about the employer and the contract between an  employer and an employee.  

Note: before you start filling the form out, its crucial that you determine what kind of entity poses as an employer. 

This could be:

1/an individual -  if work is performed in a private setting : eg. domestic work, babysitting etc.

2/ an enterpreneur - if an entity entrusting work is running a business activity. 

1. Nazwa/imię i nazwisko / Name/name and surname / Nom/prénom et nom de famille / Название/имя и фамилия:

Enter either a name and surname of an employer or a name of an  enterpreneur who entrusts work. 

Note: if you are being employed by an employment agency, this is a place to enter information about the agency. 

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2. Adres siedziby/miejsce zamieszkania (łącznie z krajem) / Address of the office (headquarters)/place of residence (including the name of the country) / Adresse du siège/le domicile (y compris le pays) / Адрес месторасположения/место жительства (вместе сo страной):

Enter an addres of the office of the enterpreneur who entrusts work. In case  an individual, enter their place of residence.  

3. Podstawa prawna działalności (nazwa rejestru i numer wpisu w rejestrze), a w przypadku osób fizycznych nieprowadzących działalności gospodarczej – nazwa dokumentu tożsamości, seria i numer / The legal basis for business activity (name of the register and number), and in case of natural persons not running business activity – name of identity document, series and number / Base juridique de l’activité (nom et numéro du registre), et en cas de personnes physiques qui n’exercent pas d’activité économique: titre d’identité, série et numéro / Законное основание деятельности (название реестра и номер внесения запииси в реестр), в случае физических лиц, которые не осуществляют хозяйственную деятельность: название документа, удостоверяющего личность, серия и номер:

Every enterpreneur should be registered in one of the two registries: National Court Registry (in that case enter their KRS number)  or Central Record and Information on Business Activities (in that case enter their tax identification number - NIP).

In case of an individual,  enter their ID`s number and series.  

Numer PESEL (dotyczy osób fizycznych, jeżeli został nadany) / PESEL number (in case of natural persons, if applicable) / Numéro PESEL (concerne les personnes physiques, si attribué) / Номер PESEL (для физических лиц, если таковой имеется):

Enter a PESEL number of an employer if they are a natural person (individual). 

Numer REGON (jeżeli został nadany) / REGON number (if applicable) / Numéro REGON (si attribué) / Номер REGON (если таковой имеется):

Enter a REGON number of an employer if they have one. 

II. Informacje dotyczące pracodawcy - użytkownika / Information concerning the user-employer / Les informations concernant un employeur - utilisateur / Информация, касающаяся работодателя - пользователя: find out more →

The following section is to be filled out only if  employment is being arranged by an employment agency.  But do not enter an employment agency`s  details in this section. Below you should enter details of a user-employer.  

3. Podstawa prawna działalności (nazwa rejestru i numer wpisu w rejestrze), a w przypadku osób fizycznych nieprowadzących działalności gospodarczej – nazwa dokumentu tożsamości, seria i numer / The legal basis for business activity (name of the register and number), and in case of natural persons not running business activity – name of identity document, series and number / Base juridique de l’activité (nom et numéro du registre), et en cas de personnes physiques qui n’exercent pas d’activité économique: titre d’identité, série et numéro / Законное основание деятельности (название реестра и номер внесения запииси в реестр), в случае физических лиц, которые не осуществляют хозяйственную деятельность: название документа, удостоверяющего личность, серия и номер:

Every enterpreneur should be registered in one of the two registries: National Court Registry (in that case enter their KRS number)  or Central Record and Information on Business Activities (in that case enter their tax identification number - NIP).

In case of an individual,  enter their ID`s number and series.

Strona 2
III. Informacje na temat pracy, która ma być powierzona cudzoziemcowi / Information about the paid activity that the foreigner is to be entrusted with / Renseignements relatifs à l’activité à confier à un étranger / Информация, касающаяся работы, которая должна быть поручена иностранцу:
1. Stanowisko/rodzaj pracy / Position/type of the paid activity / Fonction/nature de l’activité / Должность/:

The position should be identical as it is stipulated in the contract. 

2. Miejsce wykonywania pracy / Place of the paid activity / Lieu d’exercice de l’activité / Место выполнения работы:

Enter the address at which work will be performed. 

3. Podstawa prawna wykonywania pracy przez cudzoziemca (stosunek prawny, który podmiot powierzający wykonywanie pracy cudzoziemcowi ma zamiar z nim nawiązać) / The legal basis for the performance of the paid activity by the foreigner (the legal relationship which the entity entrusting performance of a paid activity to the foreigner intends to enter with him) / Base juridique de l’exercice du travail par un étranger (nature du rapport juridique que l’entité qui confie l’exercice du travail a l’intention de nouer avec un étranger / Законное основание для выполнения работы иностранцем (вид правового отношения, которое планирует заключить с иностранцем субъект, поручающий выполнение работы):

The legal basis could be: umowa o pracę (=a work contract), umowa o dzieło (=a task-specific contract), umowa zlecenie ( =a mandate contract),  a service contract (=umowa o świadczenie usług).   

4. Wymiar czasu pracy (etat); nie dotyczy osób zatrudnionych na podstawie umów cywilnoprawnych/liczba godzin pracy w tygodniu / Working time (full-time job equivalent); it does not apply to persons employed under civil law contracts/number of working hours per week / Le temps du travail (plein temps); cela ne concerne pas les personnes employées sous le contrat de droit civil/nombre d’heures de travail par semaine / Продолжительность рабочего времени (штат); не касается лиц, выполняющих работу на основании гражданско-правовых договоров/количество рабочих часов в неделю:

In case of a part-time job contract, describe employee`s engagement with a fraction ( 1/2, 1/4).

In case of a civil law contract (umowa o dzieło, umowa zlecenie), enter a number of working hours per week. 

5. Proponowana wysokość miesięcznego lub rocznego wynagrodzenia brutto lub stawki godzinowej brutto (wyrażona w złotych polskich) / Proposed amount of monthly or annual remuneration (gross) or hourly rate (gross) (in Polish zlotys) / Montant de la rémunération mensuelle ou annuelle brute proposé ou montant horaire brut (exprimés en zlotys polonais) / Предлагаемый размер месячной или годовой заработной платы брутто или почасовой ставки брутто (выраженные в польских злотых):

Enter an  amount of monthly or annual remuneration (gross) or hourly rate (gross) (in Polish zlotys).

6. Zakres podstawowych obowiązków na stanowisku pracy / The main duties for the position / Étendue des responsabilités principaux rélatives au poste de travail / Основные обязанности на рабочей должности:

Type in main duties for the position.  These are usually stipulated in a job contract or in a separate job description. 

7. Okres, na jaki podmiot powierzający wykonywanie pracy i/lub pracodawca - użytkownik chce powierzyć cudzoziemcowi wykonywanie pracy / Period for which the entity entrusting performance of a paid activity to the foreigner and/or the user-employer intends to entrust a paid activity to the foreigner / La période pour laquelle l’entité qui confie l’exercice du travail à étrangeret/ou un employeur - utilisateur a l'intention de confier l'exercise du travail à un étranger / Период, на который субъект, поручающий выполнение работы и/или работодатель-пользователь хочет поручить иностранцу выполнение работы:

Note: the employment period cannot exceed 3 years and does not need to follow precisely the work contract`s stipulations.  However, instead of an end date you may type ” na czas nieokreślony” (=open-ended) which will make it more probable that the permit will be issued for a longer period of time (maximum 3 years). Declaring that you intend to employ a worker indefinately in an application does not impact stipulations of a contract between you and an employee.

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Oświadczenie podmiotu powierzającego wykonywanie pracy cudzoziemcowi / Declaration of the entity entrusting performance of a paid activity to the foreigner / Déclaration de l’entité qui confie l’exercice du travail à étranger / Заявление субъекта, поручающего выполнение работы иностранцу

Note: it is crucial that you answer these questions truthfully. It is a criminal offence to make  false statements in this section.  

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Data i podpis podmiotu powierzającego wykonywanie cudzoziemcowi pracy (imię i nazwisko) / Date and signature of the entity entrusting performance of a paid activity to the foreigner (name and surname) / Date et signature l’ entité qui confie l’exercice du travail à étranger (prénom et nom) / Дата и подпись субъекта, поручающего выполнение работы иностранцу: rok / year / année / год

Note: it is crucial that the signature is clearly legible and consits of a name and a surname. 

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Attachment No. 2

Mandatory attachment to the application if the main purpose of your stay is to work in a highly qualified profession (the so-called Blue Card).

I. Posiadane przez cudzoziemca wyższe kwalifikacje zawodowe niezbędne do wykonywania pracy (rodzaj kwalifikacji, rodzaj dokumentu poświadczającego ich posiadanie) / High professional qualifications of the foreigner, necessary for performing the paid activity (type of qualifications, type of document confirming them) / Hautes qualifications professionnelles de l’étranger nécessaires à l’exercice du travaile (nature des qualifications, nature du titre qui atteste ces qualifications) / Наличие у иностранца высшей профессиональной квалификации, необходимой для выполнения работы (вид квалификации, вид документа, который подтверждает ее наличие): find out more →

List all the documents which confirm your  professional qualifications (diplomas, certificates, previous job contracts). Explain briefly what type of qualification does each  document confirm.

II. Zamieszkiwanie w innym państwie członkowskim Unii Europejskiej co najmniej przez okres 18 miesięcy na podstawie wydanego przez to państwo dokumentu pobytowego z adnotacją „Niebieska Karta UE” (państwo, okres pobytu oraz dane dotyczące dokumentu) / Residence in another Member State of the European Union for a period of at least 18 months on the basis of a residence document issued by that State with the “EU Blue Card” remark (state, period of stay, specific information concerning that document) / Séjour dans un autre pays membre de L'Union Européenne pendant une période d’au moins 18 mois sur la base d’un titre de séjour émis par ce pays muni d’annotation „Carte bleue UE” (pays, durée du séjour et caractéristique du titre) / Проживание в другом членском государстве Европейского Союза в период не менее 18 месяцев на основании выданного этим государством документа пребывания с аннотацией "Голубая Карта ЕС" (государство, период пребывания, а также данные, касающиеся документа): find out more →

If you have never obtained a Blue Card in another EU Member State and as a consequence lived in this Member State on this basis for longer than 18 months - enter "nie dotyczy" ( =not applicable) and move directly to the part where your signature is required. 

Państwo / State / Pays / Государство:

Enter a name of a EU Member  State  in which you stayed for more than 18 months on the basis of a Blue Card. 

Okres pobytu / Period of stay / Période de séjour / Период пребывания:

Enter your period of stay in the EU Member State  in which you stayed for longer than 18 months on a basisi of a Blue Card.

Seria / Series / Série / Серия:

Enter series and number of your Blue Card obtained in another EU Member State. 

Data wydania / Date of issue / Date de délivrance / Дата выдачи: Data upływu ważności / Expiry date / Date de validité / Дата истечения срока действия:

Enter a date of issue and date of expiry of your Blue Card obtained in another EU Member State. 

Organ wydający / Issuing authority / Autorité de délivrance / Выдан органом:

Enter a city which hosts an authority issuing  your Blue Card obtained in another EU Member State. You will find this information on your card.

Data i podpis cudzoziemca (imię i nazwisko) / Date and foreigner’s signature (name and surname) / Date et signature de l’étranger (prénom et nom) / Дата и подпись иностранца (имя и фамилия)

Your signature needs to be clearly legible - write down your full name and surname.  

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