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Impact Summary 2022

Association for Legal Intervention has been providing support to the most vulnerable groups in Poland since 2005. We have significantly grown in 2022,  we are now a team of 30 persons: experts, legal practitioners, activists, case managers, coordinators and researchers. In our everyday work we are supported by a group of 25 wonderful volunteers. 

In a world of quickly changing  migration dynamics and movement of people becoming an increasingly  controversial topic, we continue to do what we do best: using legal tools to fight injustice and strengthen respect for human rights for everybody disregard of their nationality, legal status, religion or ethnic background. 

We would not be able to do  it without you. Thank you for believing in us and in our mission. Please see a brief overview of what we consider our impact in 2022. 

Ukrainian war response 

After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine we reorganized our structures in order to best address the needs of those fleeing the war. 

We have managed to reach  more than 420 000 persons with our platform so far and its popularity continues to rise (ca. 2000 pageviews/day).

Polish – Belarussian border 

In 2022 we continued provision of humanitarian assistance and strategic litigation to asylum seekers and vulnerable persons at the Polish-Belarussian border, where a new border wall does not prevent people from crossing the border, but only makes the journey more dangerous.  We lodged several complaints to the European Court of Human Rights against the illegal push-backs. Some of these were already communicated  (R.A. and others v. Poland), yet the majority are still waiting for the communication and several requests for interim measures. We also trained and mentored local activists on a regular basis. 

We managed to secure some key court judgements:

Migration detention 

In 2022 around 2000 persons, including 210 children, were placed in immigration detention centers. The conditions in detention facilities deteriorated significantly, including the decrease of minimum personal space per person to 2 square meters. We undertook a number of activities in order to prevent illegal and prolonged detentions.

Asylum seekers and non-returnable migrants 

Empowering civil society 

We have been  distributing funding to a number of Polish civil society organisations since 2018 but in 2022 we  significantly increased our activity in this area. The war in Ukraine and a crisis at the Polish Belarussian border „attracted”  new actors to our sector, both donors and new non-governmental initiatives. Thanks to our good reputation, visibility and strong  governance we were able to support  11  organisations through regranting in 2022.   We also provided trainings and consultations to numeorus civil society formal and informal initiatives. 

Challenges we are facing in 2023

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