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Appeal to Polish authorities to provide assistance to Afghans

For several days now, the eyes of the world have been focused on Afghanistan, where an unprecedented seizure of power by the Taliban has taken place. We are witnessing dramatic scenes at airports, as thousands of people try to flee the country. Other states are evacuating their representatives, countrymen and Afghans who work with them. The Polish government has also announced the issuing of 45 humanitarian visas for Afghan citizens, and the sending of airplanes to take them to Poland.

However, only a very small number of Afghan women and men whose lives are now threatened will flee to safety on government planes. Some have already left their homes on their own, seeking refuge in other countries, including Europe, and others are likely to follow.

Meanwhile, the Polish authorities have long blocked refugees from crossing our eastern border and applying for international protection at border crossings. For this reason, some people – with the cynical support of the Belarusian regime – are forced to cross the border illegally, which puts them at risk of imprisonment and deportation.

At the same time, Poland is currently changing its regulations on granting international protection, depriving those who crossed the so-called green border of the possibility to apply for refugee status.

In view of this situation, we appeal to the Polish authorities to:

We strongly emphasize that the obligation of the Republic of Poland – our authorities and us, as citizens – is to help those in need, especially when their lives are in danger. This is not only an obligation imposed by law, but above all a gesture arising from a sense of solidarity and common decency.

Moreover, as a member of the international community, Poland should work to restore peace in Afghanistan, calling for the observance of international human rights law, the protection of civilians and the cessation of retaliatory attacks.

photo by Sohaib Ghyasi / Unsplash

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