Site icon Association for Legal Intervention

The seminar: Pushbacks, illegal, harmful and hurtful practice of EU border management

We would like to invite you for an online seminar “Pushbacks or collective expulsions? Illegal, harmful and hurtful practice of EU border management”.

The seminar will take place on July 28th between 12 and 16 pm on Zoom.

The aim of the seminar is to take a closer look at illegal collective expulsions in Europe by taking into account different perspectives, including legal, political and personal ones, and by discussing potential solutions how to make EU borders less violent and more human rights-oriented.

The program will consist of three panels gathering varied discussants: representatives of academia, international and non-governmental organisations, and persons who experienced pushbacks in practice.

The first panel will offer a general overview of the ‘pushbacks’ phenomenon – both globally and on the European level. During this panel, people who suffered from illegal expulsions will be also given a floor to present their perspectives on this practice and explain how it affected their lives.

The second panel will focus on political backgrounds and legal assessment of pushbacks, including international judiciary responses to those practices.

Finally, during the third panel, possible solutions on tackling pushbacks by international organisations and civil society will be discussed. The final program of the seminar is available here:

To participate in the seminar please register using this link:
Link to enter the seminar will be send after the registration.

Organisers of the seminar: Association for Legal Intervention and Migration Law Research Centre at the Institute of Law Studies Polish Academy of Sciences.

Partners of the seminar: Protecting Rights at Borders (PRAB) Initiative, Grupa Granica and Migration Consortium.

The seminar is organised as a part of the project called „Eu-Pact on Asylum and Migration” funded by the European Union by the Europe for Citizens Programme.

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